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中国“军事扩张”问题 The military expansion of China question

2023年08月26日 23:29 稿件来源:《欧洲论坛》报   
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如果深入研究的话,就会发现真相。1999 年,菲律宾非法将登陆艇搁浅在一个无人居住的环礁上,现在正试图运送建筑材料来对其进行加固。





美国在太平洋地区共有 37.5万名士兵来对抗中国,这比登陆诺曼底海滩的 15.6 万士兵多出一倍多。

美军占领了关岛 30% 的领土,驻军 7000 人;在日本有 23 个基地,在韩国有 15 个基地。目前,美军正在菲律宾建设四个军事基地,并在密克罗尼西亚和帕劳建设更多基地,还与澳大利亚一起翻修位于巴布亚新几内亚的一个旧基地。

更令人担忧的是,美军在中国境内活动:在美国政府否认了 12 个月之后,台湾政府承认这是事实。在此之前,尼克松、卡特和里根等历届总统都承诺不会这样做。里根还于 1982 年发表公报,声明美国不会增加对台军售,并明确表示美国将把武器销售量降至零,以实现和平解决。看来,现任美国总统在遵守前任的承诺方面并不可信。

不仅是总统,国会也是如此:38 年来,美国国会举行过 7 次会议,通过了国会决议,表示不会干涉中国的主权事务,特别是与台湾有关的事务。

除太平洋地区外,美国在非洲也很活跃。事实上,他们在 15 个非洲国家拥有 29 个军事基地,以在非洲捍卫美国主权

美国入侵并占领伊拉克,是因为他们认为自己的国家安全受到威胁,但入侵阿富汗则是出于怨恨:阿富汗从长达 20 年的战争中恢复过来,经济上也刚刚脱离中世纪状态,但却不肯在没有证据的情况下交出本·拉登。这导致美国入侵阿富汗以示惩罚,引发了又一波长达 20 年的战争。

更早之前,美国在越南和朝鲜发动了战争,在老挝和柬埔寨投下的炸弹比整个二战投下的数量还要多。 将轰炸机称为美军空中监视力量,大概是因为美国在联合国签署了中立协议。轰炸官方承认的中立国,这肯定是国际刑事法院应该调查的事情,但如果真的这样做,美国将制裁该法院,并可能入侵海牙。因此,就目前而言,这只是美国总统不履行前任承诺的又一个例子。





其中一个是永暑岛机场,跑道比位于澳大利亚的达尔文军用机场短 345 米,达尔文军用机场和达尔文港一样,正在进行扩建,以容纳更多的美军驻扎。关岛的两条跑道也都比永暑岛机场的长。还有一个简易机场在美济礁,这条甚至更短。除了 2016 年的医疗护送之外,没有军用飞机在这两个简易机场降落过。



The military expansion of China question


There’s a lot of controversy over what China is doing in the South China Sea but there seems to be very little in the way of perspective – the recent “water attack” was not a hostile act by a military nation, it was a Chinese Coastguard ship deterring another nation from building on a disputed island, something the US seems to be keen to prevent China, but quite ok with others, doing。

The truth, if anyone cares to look into it, is that in 1999, the Philippines illegally beached a landing craft on an uninhabited shoal and are now attempting to deliver building supplies to fortify it。

Many will argue, because Western media wants them to, that China is being aggressive, China, according to Chinese media wants only one thing – that the shoal be left alone. Notwithstanding legals claims that several parties have over the region, China isn’t doing the wrong thing。 

Putting this specific incident aside and looking at the broader picture, many people are critical of China’s “expansion” into the South China seas, but their criticism has three problems: one is, the expansion fails to consider China’s situation; another is, when looked at in a broader sense, it’s minor; and, according to former Premier Li Kejiang, it’s not military. It’s merely assumed by Western “experts” to be so。

It’s frequently reported that China could use these bases for military purposes, China denies it does. As far as can be ascertained, only one military plane has ever landed in the region and that was a humanitarian mission in 2016 to airlift three sick people. On the other hand, USA has militarised the Pacific。

It’s clear the USA sees China as a threat, discussions about, and reasons for, that are wide and varied but not articulated here. However, when the USA considers a country a threat, that country better take care。

Overall, the USA has 375,000 troops in the Pacific region to “counter China”. That’s more than twice the 156,000 soldiers who stormed Normandy’s beaches on D Day。

The USA military occupies 30% of Guam, with 7,000 troops. It has 23 bases in Japan and Okinawa and a further 15 bases in South Korea. They are currently building four military bases in the Philippines, with more in Micronesia and Palau, and, with Australia, are refurbishing an older base in Papua New Guinea。

More worrying, they have US troops operating inside China – which, after 12 months of US government denials, was admitted by the Taiwanese government to be true. This is after successive presidents, Nixon, Carter and Reagan, all promised not to. Furthermore, Reagan, issued a 1982 communique stating USA would not increase arms sales to Taiwan and specifically stated USA would reduce weapon sales to zero in order to achieve a peaceful settlement. It seems current American presidents cannot be trusted to keep the words of their predecessors。

It’s not just Presidents but congress too: for 38 years, over 7 Congressional sittings USA made Congressional Resolutions, it would not interfere in China’s sovereign affairs specifically in relation to Taiwan。

Moving away from the Pacific, the USA is active in Africa too; in fact, they have 29 military bases operating in 15 African countries to “defend US sovereignty”, in Africa!

They invaded and occupied Iraq Because they thought their “national security” was threatened but The US invasion of Afghanistan was out of spite; recovering from a 20-year war and, economically speaking, barely out of the middle ages, Afghanistan wouldn’t give up Bin Laden without evidence. Resulting in US punishment of an invasion and another 20 years of war。

Earlier, they went to war in Vietnam and in Korea and they dropped more bombs in Laos and Cambodia than the entire ordinance dropped in the Second World War. Calling the bombers “US Arial    Surveillance”, presumably because the US had signed a Neutrality Agreement in the UN. The bombing of an officially recognised neutral country is surely be something the International Criminal Court should investigate but the US would sanction the court and potentially invade the Hague if they did. So, for now, it’s just another example of US Presidents not honouring the commitments of their predecessors。

With the benefit of hindsight, we know, all of the above wars were either avoidable (to stop the spread of communism) or the reason for them was a lie; not one was justified, none were a physical or military threat to the US。

Once we understand the fact that the US “Department of Defense” will invade any country it deems a threat, whether real or not, and is currently surrounding China with "Defensive" island chains we might start to look at China’s defensive military in a different light。

The South China Sea could be used as a modern-day version of the Great Wall; a defensive fortification but it’s tiny in comparison to the US build-up around China. There are just two airstrips. That’s it! 

Deceptive reporting suggests that China has “fully militarised three islands”, but we’re confused by the naming. Claims that China is militarising Mischief Reef, Subi Reef, Meiji Reef, Panganiban Reef and the Spratley Islands, abound in Western media but they’re the same place. What media doesn’t tell us is that China has built only two airstrips. One on reclaimed land between two islands and another nearby, that’s it; only two airstrips。 

The Fiery Cross airstrip is 345 metres shorter than the Darwin Military airstrip which, like Darwin Port, is being extended to accommodate a bigger US military presence. Guam has two runways; both are longer than Fiery Cross. The other airstrip, on Meiji Reef is even shorter. And, with the exception of the medical evacuation in 2016, no military plane has landed on either of them。

The USA, or any other country, shouldn’t feel threatened by China, there are a lot more things in the Pacific to worry about than the potential military use of China’s airstrips. For example, there’s the real military presence in the Pacific and off the coast of China of an unknown number of nuclear powered and nuclear armed submarines, two Aircraft Carrier Strike Fleets and their attendant armadas are in the vicinity and 375,000 troops are nearby. They are all a long way from home and itching to defend their shores against what they perceive is a threat. If that’s not cause for concern, then nothing is!

(Jerry Grey )

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